Approved by the FDA in 2001, Nexium is prescribed for treatment of heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD. It relieves that burning sensation in the throat, esophagus and stomach by blocking acid which can be caused by caffeine, fruits and vegetables that are high in citric acid, spicy foods or smoking. Nexium is known as a proton pump inhibitor or PPI’s which helps to block stomach acid and decrease the risk of cancer and ulcers.

Proton Pump Inhibitors Research- PPI’s

Studies have been done to learn if there are any significant risks associated with PPI’s and kidney or liver disease. Experts found there can be risks involved if Nexium is taken for long periods of time. Be sure to tell your doctor what medications and vitamin supplements you are taking. Tell him if you are using recreational drugs. Experts recommend not taking Proton Pump Inhibitors if you are taking blood thinner medications, anti fungal medications, HIV medications or iron supplements. People who have high blood pressure and diabetes may also be at risk of developing chronic kidney disease or renal failure and should ask their doctor before taking Nexium. Studies showed that one of every four patients taking PPI’s were diagnosed with acute inflammation of the kidneys and they had a 50% higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease. You can find more information here. Nexium Lawsuit.

Side Effects Associated with Proton Pump Inhibitors, also Known as PPI’s

Doctors recommend discontinuing use of Proton Pump Inhibitors if patients experience an allergic reaction such as hives, swelling of the face, problems swallowing or trouble breathing. They recommend not using PPI’s such as Nexium if patients have mild symptoms of heartburn. Other common side effects in addition to allergic reactions may occur such as increased risk of bone fractures, especially in women going through menopause. They may also have headaches, diarrhea, dizziness, upset stomach or stomach pain, leg cramps, nervousness, unexplained loss of weight, or if they have blood in their stool. Infrequent side effects, although not severe, include sinus problems, congestion, indigestion, constipation, dry mouth and high blood pressure.

Rare but Infrequent Side Effects

The following side effects are rare although if experienced they may be quite severe. If tests show there is abnormal liver function, Nexium should be discontinued. Patients may have anemia, back aches, an overall tired feeling, high blood pressure, inflammation of the pancreas, blurred vision, rapid heart beat, sinus infections, trouble swallowing, depression or nose and throat infections. They may experience muscle weakness, fungal infections, low blood platelets, vitamin B12 deficiency as well as magnesium deficiencies and fluid retention.

Nexium comes in enteric coated capsules that have a delayed release for longer lasting effects. They not only relieve heartburn but also the coughing that may also be associated with heart burn, GERD or acid reflux disease. It is proven by the FDA to lower the risk of gastric upsets including ulcers and cancer. Both common side effects and rare side effects may be experienced by those who are taking Nexium.